I would like clarification on the difference in functions between the notary in Italy and the American "public notary".
The Italian notariat belongs to the family of Latin-type notariats, present in 81 countries around the world and in most European countries, such as France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, and others.
The Anglo-Saxon public notary (or notary public) - present in Great Britain, the USA and other common law countries - is responsible only for the authenticity of the signatures: this obliges those, for example, who buy and sell a house to resort the advice of a lawyer for each party, with costs that are overall much higher than those incurred in similar cases in Italy.
Notaries of the Latin type (Civil Law Notary) are highly qualified jurists, equidistant from the parties who turn to them, and therefore capable of offering impartial assistance for which they are guarantors and responsible. The fact that the most important legal documents are subjected to the scrutiny of a specialist independent of the parties then significantly reduces the subsequent litigation.
The real estate litigator, the American lawyer specializing in property ownership disputes, is, for example, an unknown figure here and, not surprisingly, the great Italian lawyer Francesco Carnelutti said: much more notary, much less judge.
These and other internationally recognized advantages of the Latin-type notariat have led in recent years to a considerable diffusion of this model in the world: countries that are also culturally very distant, such as China, Japan, have become part of the family of the Latin notariat. and Indonesia, and the presence in the European area was further strengthened, with the entry of Russia and almost all Eastern European countries.
The Italian notariat - the oldest and among the most authoritative in the world - actively supports the growth of the most recently founded notary organizations.
Consider, for example, that the Chinese Minister of Justice, in April 2003, chose Rome to announce, during a visit to the National Council of Notaries, the adoption by his country of the Latin model. And from 12 to 20 April 2010 a delegation from the Chinese Notariat attended a training course in Rome, organized by our Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the International Union of Notaries and the National Council of Notaries, on the theme "The Latin Notariat in modern society ".
But the validity of our notary system also asserts itself in totally different political and economic contexts. Alabama and Florida have recently added a new body of Latin notaries to the previous Anglo-Saxon system, which has also existed for some time in Louisiana. Other US states are following suit. The Italian notaries also have intense relationships with the new overseas realities: as in other countries of the world, Italian notaries have been called upon to collaborate in the training of new American colleagues.
意大利公证人属于拉丁公证人家族,遍布全球 81 个国家和大多数欧洲国家,如法国、德国、瑞士、西班牙、荷兰、比利时、奥地利等。
盎格鲁-撒克逊公证人(或公证人) - 存在于英国、美国和其他普通法国家 - 仅对签名的真实性负责:例如,这迫使那些买卖房屋的人去度假律师为每一方提供的建议,总体成本远高于意大利类似案件的成本。
例如,专门处理财产所有权纠纷的美国律师房地产诉讼律师在这里是一个不为人知的人物,毫不奇怪,伟大的意大利律师 Francesco Carnelutti 说:公证人多,法官少。
意大利公证机构 - 世界上最古老和最权威的机构之一 - 积极支持最近成立的公证机构的发展。
例如,中国司法部长于 2003 年 4 月选择罗马在访问全国公证人委员会期间宣布其国家采用拉丁模式。2010 年 4 月 12 日至 20 日,中国公证人代表团在罗马参加了由我国外交部、国际公证人联合会和全国公证人理事会组织的主题为“现代社会中的拉丁公证人”的培训班”。